Document Management Systems (DMS) offer numerous benefits for organizations looking to streamline document-related processes. DMS store documents and data associated with documents (often called index values or properties) to facilitate functionality such as searching, business process automation and retention. DocuNECT can extend the capabilities of your existing on-premises or cloud DMS environment by adding Intelligent Document Capture (IDC) to ingest content from numerous sources and automatically extract the necessary data to populate the index values. You can:

  • Upload documents from the desktop (Virtual Print Driver, Microsoft Office Integration).
  • Scan documents from the desktop.
  • Migrate documents from legacy document management systems.
  • Import documents from third party source and business applications.
  • Use DocuNECT’s powerful Discovery AI module to identify and extract data.

Automating Electronic Document Capture

You may receive electronic content with associated data stored in a formats from vendors that need to be archived in your DMS. DocuNECT can be configured to import documents and index values that are supplied in a number of different formats.

Features Include:

  • Total control over mapping the index values from any number of files sources, including databases, text files, JSON, XML and HTML files, and Microsoft Excel.
  • Different sources can be periodically monitored looking for files to import, such as Local or Network Based File-Shares, FTP Sites, and Secure FTP/SSH sites.
  • Email notifications can be sent to confirm successful file imports, or to notify a user of an import error.

Email Capture

Email is still a highly used application for sending and receiving documents. DocuNECT allows you to set up a email address to be able to email documents directly into the DMS.

Features Include:

  • DocuNECT can monitor traditional POP3 and IMAP protocols as well as Microsoft Office 365 email inboxes.
  • The email body and attachments can either be added to as one document with multiple pages to represent the attachments, or the body and attachments can be added as separate documents.
  • Information can be extracted from the email body and attachments to automate the indexing process. Tags can also be placed in the email body to populate index values.

File Share Migration

Network based file-shares are a popular way to easily store and share documents. If you have already implemented a document management system, it makes sense to migrate the documents to leverage the investment.

Features Include:

  • Map all or parts of the document’s name to DMS document index values.
  • Map all or parts of the document’s folder name to the DMS document index values.
  • Retrieve information from the content of the document to populate DMS document index values.

DocuSign Capture

DocuSign’s Digital Transaction Management platform manages every aspect of every transaction from preparing and sending documents to signing and managing them. DocuNECT can fetch and import the document processed/uploaded to your DocuSign site.

Features Include:

  • Maps the index values received from DocuSign to the DMS document index values.
  • Unpacks the DocuSign Envelope (ZIP file) and automatically merges the original PDF with the signature manifest before uploading the document into the DMS.
  • Email notifications to confirm imports have been successfully processed.

MeridianLink Capture

Financial institutions are turning to third party solutions to manage new account/loan origination to better facilitate interaction and communication with the consumer. One of these solutions is called MeridianLink that allows consumers to complete, post and sign documents as part of an origination process. The documents are then downloaded to the financial institution where they need to be imported into the DMS.

Features Include:

  • Maps the index values received from MeridianLink to the DMS document index values.
  • Manages cancelled/denied loans, processing them into a separate DMS document types (if required).
  • Manages customer/non-customer documents, again processing them into separate DMS document types applications (if required).
  • Email notifications to confirm imports have been successfully processed.

Report Management

DocuNECT can be used for ingesting different business reports either in a text or PDF report, automatically extracting the report index values using business rules. DocuNECT can be used as a replacement for the legacy COLD or Report Management applications.

Tell Us About Your Project…

Complete the form below and one of our consultants will contact you to discuss your requirements in more detail:


    Capture documents from a number of different sources.


    Use business rules and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to classify documents and extract data.


    Consume the verified documents and extracted data.